Indian Railways launched radar, tracking the train service that runs on Google Maps. This service is available on which help to find the exact location of the train. This site can be accessed from any mobile phones having GPRS connection, it is based on ATML 5. However, for large-screen phone, the service is good. However, the service does not have any mobile Application.
Same service is also available on . which have the name as Spot Your train. However, this new service will show all the detail and timing of the train on the map of India.
Screen also shows the percentage of trains that are delayed or that are on time. Based on Google Maps service by scrolling the mouse to zoom in and zoom out or left side of the + or - icons and allows. Where the search facility on the left panel can give the details of the running train also. There is the option to search the station also. By clicking on the train it shows the route and shows the current position of the train.
However there is no change is done to the information and there we cant track the location of the train but all the information will be provide by the railway station by which the train had just passed from there. This means that there is no Live information about the position of the train.
It will be very effective if the current service "Spot your train" service will also upgraded with this service.