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High profiled Sites of Malawi Got Hacked

High profiled Sites of Malawi Got Hacked, High profiled Sites of Malawi Got Hacked by bangladeh hacker, High profiled Sites of Malawi Got Hacked inculding google, yahoo, Fanta, Google of Malawi hacked, yahoo again hacked, Google to hacked
1 min read
High Profiled site including Google maps, Yahoo, Hotmail got Hacked.

Today Some high profile sites of Malawi have got hacked. This sites includes Google maps, yahoo, Coca-cola, Fanta. The hack was done by the Bangladeshi Hackers.
Hackers have breached the system of the Malawi domain registrar, After gaining the access of the system hackers changed the DNS of the site and redirects to the deface page. DNS of the sites have been restored soon after the attack done by the hackers.
It seems that the hack was done by the two entities. Google maps site "" was defaced by a group called Bangladesh Black Hat Hacker.
And other site,,,, are hacked by the hackers name as Tiger Mate.
Bangladeshi hackers have also warned to Israeli, they said that soon they will attack Israeli cyber space also.
Deface Mirror are here
Google maps:- Mirror
Coca-cola:- Mirror
Fanta:- Mirror
Yahoo:- Mirror

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