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Running Windows 98 in 2013 with Modern Web and Apps

Running Windows 98 in 2013 with Modern Web and Apps, Windows 98 most stable OS, how run run latest software on windows 98
Worlds leading Operating system production company have changed the world of computer. They have introduce "Graphical Users Interference (GUI)" which make the use of computer more easy and comfortable. Microsoft have regularly updating their products and best and best for their users.
You all guys remember that Windows 98 is one of the stable operating system by Microsoft  This Operating system is so much popular that most of the users used it and till now also some are still using it. Many of them use it as a dual boot system.
As Windows 98 have been a old option, so Windows 98 no longer receives updates and fixes from Microsoft. We all know that regularly software and application are updating themselves, and hence these new updated version software/application didn't work on the older version OS. 
So I have some thing for you all guys, see the below video.

As you all can see that Windows 98 still manage to run the latest version of the windows  hence we can imagine that Windows 98 is a perfect stable Operating system ever made by the Microsoft.

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