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Windows Blue Video Leaked

Windows Blue Video Leaked, Windows Blue leaked, Windows Blue Video full details, Windows Blue Video Leaked on internet, Windows Blue Leaked for free download, Download Windows Blue
Just I posted yesterday that new version of Windows i.e "Windows Blue" iso file has been leaked  for free download over the internet. This leaked from the France as per the report.
This time video of Windows Blue has been leaked. This short video shows that how microsoft have designed Windows Blue, which has been featured with new apps.
By this video it is clearly showing interesting details  about both the Start Screen and the pre-installed apps.

Video Showing the Details

More interesting in this video is that Windows blue is featured with on a touch-capable device, which confirms that Microsoft plans to bring the upgrade to all Windows 8 platforms. The Start Screen has been designed so well and made more user friendly, by users can navigate the installed apps by swiping up and down.

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