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More NIC and High Profiled site hacked by Madleets hacker

More NIC and High Profiled site hacked by Madleets hacker, NIC and High Profiled site hacked, NIC hacked, Samsung hacked and defaced, information technology, security experts, Information technology expert, hackers hacking websites, WHMCS zeroday, WHMCS sqli vulnerability
Lastly a hacker with online handle "1337" from hackers group "Madleets" have hacked and defaced numbers of countries NIC server. And now again attacking NIC server is continue.

This time again "1337" have hacked Antigua and Barbuda & Saint Lucia NIC site and defaced them. For country Antigua, hacker have defaced more high profiled sites, which includes official site of Samsung, IBM, Toshiba, Canon.

You can find all the list of the site hacked and defaced along with is mirror here.

As I have says lastly that, this attack was done by zeroday attack. May be the zeroday was on the most popular client management, billing and support application for Web hosting providers have SQLi vulnerability. Hacker have exploit the SQLi vulnerability of the software that are using by the web hosting.

Yesterday, WHMCS says, as the updates have “critical security impacts.”, enables attackers to execute SQL injection attacks against WHMCS deployments in order to extract or modify sensitive information from their databases i.e. Including information about existing accounts, their hashed passwords, which can result in the compromise of the administrator account.

Yesterday, Palestinian hackers, named as KDMS Team exploited the WHMCS vulnerability and defaced one of the largest Hosting provider - LeaseWeb site. 

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