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Google wishing Happy Holiday with its Doodle

Happy Holidays, Happy Holidays by Google, news on Happy Holidays, trending Happy Holidays, Happy Merry Christmas, and Happy Holiday, Christmas Gift
Its a time of Christmas and there is a Holiday season going on. With this regards so internet search engine giants also wishing a "Happy Holiday" to its all users, with the new doodle on the home page of Google. 

The doodle on the Google homepage shows a one horse open sleigh dashing through the snow - with the letters of Google written underneath. Google has been wishing its users with a pre-Christmas doodle for over 10 years now.

On 21st also Google wishes a First day of Winter to its users, and now wishing Holiday. This show that Google is quite connected to its users and also enjoying the occasion with them.  Last year on 2012, Happy Holiday Doodle washad a parade of toys, some of whom were playing different musical instruments. The grand master leading the parade was welcoming the festive season, and the letters of the word Google were seen in the backdrop. That was also awesome Doodle from Google.

Along with this, Google have new tweak to its users, made a page to Follow Santa... So start following Santa...

As Google Wish there all users a Happy Holiday, So we (Cyber Kendra) also like to wish all our readers and fans 
"A very Happy Merry Christmas, and Happy Holiday

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