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New Documents Reveal, NSA can retrieve and Replay phone calls

New Documents Reveal, NSA can retrieve and Replay phone calls, new NSA leaked, Edward Snowden, New NSA documents reveal massive data collection from mobile apps, NSA Mobility Program - National Security Agency, NSA tracking all phones calls, NSA leaked, Edward Snowden leaks, hackers area, Barrack Obama NSA, NSA and mobile phones, phone called are retrieved

Recently, a new document leaked by the Former NSA Contractor "Edward Snowden" specify that The National Security Agency has technology capable of recording all the phone calls of an entire country and replaying them later. The Washington Post reported that, NSA collects the 100 percent of the users call through out the country.
The leaked document specifies that, NSA is having a two tools for this name as MYSTIC and RETRO,  which is capable of "retrieve audio of interest that was not tasked at the time of the original call." The voice interception program, called MYSTIC, began in 2009. Its RETRO tool, short for “retrospective retrieval,” and related projects reached full capacity against the first target nation in 2011.

In the initial deployment, collection systems are recording “every single” conversation nationwide, storing billions of them in a 30-day rolling buffer that clears the oldest calls as new ones arrive, according to a classified summary

As per the report, its is said that with the request of US officials, it withheld the details of the any users can be used to identify the country where the system is being used.

Snowden says that, the tools is much accurate and the program are most powerful then any other NSA program by allowing the spy agency to tap into the entire network from a country.

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