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WhatsApp Lets Android Users Pay For Their Friends’ Subscriptions

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WhatsApp Lets Android Users Pay For Their Friends’ Subscriptions, earn from whatsapp, free whatsapp, whatsapp full version, whatsapp new feature,whatsapp trck, free whatsapp trick, hack whatsapp, earn money from whats app
Today Facebook owned messaging app "Whatsapp" have released a  new update on  the Android version. On the new update Facebook (Whatsapp) have made a few changes on the privacy related features. With this change Facebook have also introduced an interesting new feature that lets users pay for their friends’/families’ subscriptions, regardless of the platform..

As we all know that now Whatsapp is free for the first year of use and then users have to pay a mount of $0.99 for the extending subscription. But with the new update, now users will get pay for their friends’ subscriptions. This may be one step of promoting the service and garbing more and more users in the service.

The monetization term of Whatsapp is been reported by Tech Crunch. At this time Zucker didn't have planned for the adding promotion ads in the whatsapp service, rather he is focusing on the growth of the community. As by this feature of paying for their friends is a nice strategy.

As earlier also, there was the news that Whatsapp will have the calling features, and this feature will be going to live in the second quarter of the year, (may be at the end of May). The latest version of the app can be download from the Google Play Store

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