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Egyptian Ministry of Information Website Hacked by Libyan Hackers

Egyptian Ministry of Information Website Hacked by Libyan Hackers, hacked by Libyan Hackers, Libyan Hackers have hacked Egyptian government site, hacked by Libyan Hackers, Egyptian Ministry of Information sit hacked, hackers area, defacing website, cyber attacks
A group called the Libyan Cyber Army (The GreaT TeAm) have hacked and defaced the official site of the Egyptian Ministry of Information. Hackers have not defaced the home page of the site, rather the Vote page of the site is being showing defaced. 

On the deface page hackers have not provided any kind of message. The deface page contains the Libyan flag wit the simple text quoted "Hacked by the Great Team."

The hack was done on Sunday, and at the mean time also page was showing the deface page. May site admin was unaware of the hack or they don't maintain there site regularly.

The hacked link is follows with its mirror,

The Libyan Cyber Army hasn’t been very active lately, but they have managed to breach a few high-profile websites over the past months. For instance, they defaced a NATO subdomain, and a couple of Libyan government websites.

In December 2013, they managed to deface an Al Arabiya subdomain. That particular page is still online.

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