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EC-Council Website defaced By Libyan Hackers

hacked By Libyan Hackers, defaced by Libyan Hackers, hacked by The GreaT TeAm, hacking EC-Council website, EC-Council website hacked and defaced, Information security experts, penstest academy, security course, infosec courses
hacked By Libyan Hackers, defaced by  Libyan Hackers, hacked by The GreaT TeAm, hacking EC-Council website, EC-Council website hacked and defaced, Information security experts, penstest academy, security course, infosec courses
This is another big security issue for the organisation that provides a world class certification of Ethical Hacking, "EC council". EC Council is the organisation that provides the multiple security expert certification along with Ethical Hacker, which is acceptable world wide. And today the same organisation once again failed to secure there own website.

Last time a hacker name as a hacker name as "Eugene Belford" have hacked and defaced the offical website of EC-Council. Yesterday, a Libyan hackers team named as "(The GreaT TeAm)" have hacked and defaced the one of the sub-domain of the EC-Council site.

On the deface page  hacker have wrote the following message with a dog image-
Owned by TGT
such course very security many hacker wow
 I have tried to contact with the hackers team, and in the response they have says the page allows the users to upload the PHP file. When I have asked more about the hack, they simply denies to answer and says they can't say more then this.

Hackers have not discuss the hack in details, may the PHP file upload allows the attacker to upload a backdoor on the server.

The GreaT TeAm, was the same Libyan hackers team who have earlier hacked the mailing list website of the Kali Linux, a Security pentesting operating system, specially designed for the security professional and owned by Offensive Security Team.

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