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Payza Blog Hacked by Team Madleets

Payza Blog Hacked by Team Madleets, Payza hacked, hacking Payza, how to hack Payza, hacked by Madleets, hacked by Mindcracker, cyber hacking, hacking websites, hacking Payza
The famous Pakistani hackers team "Team Madleets" have back with their hack. This time group have hacked the official blog of Payza. Hackers going with the online alias MindCracker and H3ll D
have defaced the site. The news of the hack was announced via a twitter tweets.

Payza is the online payment platform lets you send and receive money, shop, make online payments or get paid from almost anywhere in the world.

Hackers left the blog page defaced with the screenshot image showing clear-text passwords of registered Payza users and with following message-
“Hey Payza Hacked :P Is this what u Call Security ? Don’t Worry I’m not Going to Leak it.
With the image and message on the deface page seems that hackers have accessed the site database, but they make sure that they will not leak the data online.

At the mean time the blog of the Payza is unavailable but you can see the site deface with Google cache. and also check the mirror of the hack at zone-h.

Madleets was the same group who's core member - alias name "Leet" have hack number of Google Domains, various NIC servers and also numbers of high profiled sites that includes sites of Microsoft, Coca-cola, WHMCS, AVG, etc...

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