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Google reverses decision to ban adult content on Blogger

Google reverses decision to ban adult content on Blogger, Google adult content on Blogger, ban adult content on Blogger, Blogger policy guidelines, Explicit Content warning, Explicit Content on blogger
Earlier this week Google have revised its adult content policy for  blogger and according to it, Google will delete or make the blogger blog private which have the Explicit Content. Under the new policy guidelines all the bloggers are notified to remove all the explicit content which was posted on respective blogs.

But now Google have changed its mind and inform that they are back  with the old content policy. On the post Google have noted that after the announcement of the new policy guideline Google had received lots of feedback from all bloggers worldwide.

Users from worldwide discuss of the impact of new explicit content policy, which turns Google to take back their decisions. Under the old explicit content policy,  Commercial porn will continue to be prohibited. Google recommend all bloggers to turn ON the adult content setting, so as to show the warning before visiting a blog.

If in any case, a blog contains the explicit content and the content warning is not active then Google team will make it ON, but repeat of this issue will delete a blog permanently. 

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