Modern-day innovative trends are impacting millions of lives, whether it is any sector such as energy, healthcare or mobile/IT, etc. All of these innovations can be used very effectively to cater the agriculture industry. The farmers serve the entire world by fulfilling the basic requirement of food. Since the industrial revolution, the emissions levels of carbon dioxide has increased to an alarming level and because of these emissions, the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion etc. are affecting the living conditions on earth. The quality of land, air and water is severely affected and this affects the quality of food that we eat. The plants need all of these three elements to survive and to prepare the food that we eat.
Technology has made the human civilization evolve in such a way that we have left the hunter/gatherer practise of existence and concentrate more on labour and land practice to the sole purpose of production of food on a huge scale. The concept of ‘scientific agriculture’ is not new in the field of agriculture as it dates back to 1840 and 1842 wherein scientist tried to use chemical items in the field of agriculture for the first time. They tried to study photosynthesis which is the process in which plant prepare glucose and oxygen by the use of sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. Agricultural institutes in Europe and North America started expanding the use of biological and chemical techniques in agriculture. These applications which were applied at an early stage has benefitted the food production and quality and reduced the number of people which are directly involved with the agricultural industry this enables more diversification of society.
Production of food, conservation of resources, preservation of habitat and business management of farms is not at all mutually exclusive. The nutrition requirements of the global population can be met with the use of high-yield agricultural techniques for the production of food. Some of the advanced methods that can be employed in agriculture are precise agricultural tools for farming, smart system with power management tools, applications that can directly cater to the problems of farmers, use of affordable sensors for watering of the field which can save the water resources effectively.
Technology has made the human civilization evolve in such a way that we have left the hunter/gatherer practise of existence and concentrate more on labour and land practice to the sole purpose of production of food on a huge scale. The concept of ‘scientific agriculture’ is not new in the field of agriculture as it dates back to 1840 and 1842 wherein scientist tried to use chemical items in the field of agriculture for the first time. They tried to study photosynthesis which is the process in which plant prepare glucose and oxygen by the use of sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. Agricultural institutes in Europe and North America started expanding the use of biological and chemical techniques in agriculture. These applications which were applied at an early stage has benefitted the food production and quality and reduced the number of people which are directly involved with the agricultural industry this enables more diversification of society.
Potential lies in the use of these sensors, this comes in the category of Internet of things and data collected from these sensors can be a lot more helpful to study the behaviour of plants during different environmental conditions. More use of pesticides, insecticides etc. can reduce the yield of the field and causes the chemicals to enter the food which at the end affects the health of humans. Use of organic farming methods helps the land to get more productive over the years and the food is also safe for the humans. The use of GM (Gene-Modified) foods has also increased over the years. In GM foods, the DNA of the plant cell is modified so that the crop becomes more productive. Some of the properties that are altered using these gene modification technologies are increasing the nutrition of the plant, more resistance towards the pests and diseases that affect the plant, ability to grow in harsh environmental conditions etc.
Sustainability in agriculture is need of the hour and the technological advances are essential for agricultural productivity and its stability.
To know more about how the plants prepare food through photosynthesis, you can watch the video.
Sustainability in agriculture is need of the hour and the technological advances are essential for agricultural productivity and its stability.
To know more about how the plants prepare food through photosynthesis, you can watch the video.