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WhatsApp will Prohibit Sending Messages to Users Who don't Agree with the New Rules

Users won't be able to read and send messages.

Earlier it was reported that the popular messenger WhatsApp threatens users with blocking their account for refusing to accept the new terms of the application.

The new terms will allow Facebook and WhatsApp to exchange user payment and transaction data. The creators of the messenger assure that it is necessary to effectively set up targeted advertising. According to experts, it is possible that the service will transfer Facebook and other private user information.

The online edition TechCrunch clarified with reference to a letter from the management of the messenger, sent to one of the partners, that after May 15, the messenger will “slowly ask” users who did not agree to the new conditions to accept them. In particular, WhatsApp will start sending relevant notifications. If users do not accept the new policy, their account will be deleted after 120 days of inactivity.

Confirmation of consent to the transition to the new rules should occur before May 15. Until the policy is accepted, the user will not be able to read or send messages in the application. At the same time, he will have the opportunity to receive calls and notifications for a short period of time.

Users will be able to receive calls and notifications. However, you won't be able to read and send messages. Later, inactive accounts will be deleted.

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