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5 Tips To Improve Mobile Device Security to Protect Your Enterprise

Here are the mobile device security best practices.

Improve Mobile Device Security

Mobile device security is a growing concern for many organizations, but you can make your enterprise more secure with simple tips. Read on to learn how to address these issues while keeping your company's technological needs in mind.

Why should you pay attention to Mobile Device Security?

Mobile devices are increasingly becoming a crucial part of our lives. They are used for work, entertainment, and many more activities. However, mobile devices can also risk your business information from potential attacks targeting your company's systems.

The risk of a cyber-incident is growing with the increase in IoT devices. If your organization uses these types of technologies, it's important to implement cybersecurity measures for all business members and integrate managed IT services Alpharetta

Mobile Device Security Policy

Before giving your employees smartphones or tablets, make sure you have a clear policy about what is allowed with these devices. Include information on how they can avoid violating this kind of policy for things to go smoothly at work and provide them with some security measures, so their data remains protected from hackers while using the company credentials. 

  • Establish a mobile device security policy that outlines employees' responsibilities regarding their mobile devices.
  • Train employees to use strong passwords and not share personal information such as bank and credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, or driver's license numbers.
  • Restrict access to sensitive data and applications to only authorized users on mobile devices. Encrypt user data using a secure virtual private network (VPN) or SSL connection. For this, NordVPN can be the best option as it has been one of the breakout VPN providers. This NordVPN review will explain to you further its beneficial impact on online users. 
  • Install antivirus software and keep up-to-date with the latest threats.
  • Regularly back up data and files to an off-site location in case of device loss or theft.
  • Configure email notifications for important events so employees will be aware of potential security risks even when they are not currently in front of their work computers.

Bring Your Device Policy

Bring your device (BYOD) is a popular policy in many enterprise organizations. However, it can also be a security risk if not properly managed. The following tips will help your employees properly manage mobile device security by using their own devices and protect your organization from cyber threats.

First, you should create a BYOD policy that clearly defines who can use devices, what types of devices are safe and compatible, and what restrictions are in place. For example, you might prohibit employees from using their devices to connect to confidential data. 

Additionally, you should require employees to sign a contract agreeing to follow your BYOD policy. This contract can include prohibitions on accessing corporate data or resources on their devices.

Second, you should monitor employee mobile device usage closely. If they want to utilize their PC or smartphones, they must agree to your checks. This includes tracking which apps employees are using and whether they are accessing any confidential information or files. 

Finally, it would be best to protect their mobile devices with appropriate security measures. This includes installing premium antivirus software. You can also restrict how many connections an employee can have to the internet each day, limiting their exposure to cyber threats.

Keep the Devices Updated

Keeping mobile devices up-to-date is one of the best ways to improve their security. This is because outdated software can contain vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit.

It's essential to know the different mobile device updates available and install them. Updates for your operating system, applications, and protected health information (PHI) are critical for protecting your mobile devices.

Regularly checking for security updates is vital for protecting your devices from unknown vulnerabilities. Knowing about the latest vulnerabilities and installing the appropriate updates can keep your devices safe from attack.

Regular Backups

To protect your mobile devices and data, you need to create regular backups. This will help you restore your device if it is lost or someone accesses your data without your permission.

You can also use mobile security apps to protect your data. These apps can encrypt your device and password-protect it. They can also screen for viruses and malware.

Choose Strong Passwords

One of the best ways to protect your mobile devices and data is to use strong passwords. The safest passcodes are at least eight characters long with letters and special characters.

Experts advise avoiding simple number sequences such as "12345" or familiar terms of spouses, kids, birthdays, or pet names. Anyone can easily find such information and find the right combination.

This will help to keep your devices and data secure from unauthorized access.

It's best to instruct employees to alter their login passwords at least every three months. Do not forget that two-factor authentication is a life-saving hack to verify your identity as a user of your device.

You should also ensure that you use a secure connection when accessing your devices. This means using a password-protected Wi-Fi network or connecting via a VPN to the internet from your device.

Don't share important information on your mobile devices. Keep all passwords, usernames, and other sensitive information safe and secure.


Keeping your enterprise mobile devices secure is essential to protect data and prevent unauthorized access. 

Mobile device security advocates are essential to protecting your enterprise from data breaches and other cyberattacks. 

  • Set up strong passwords for all of your devices, including those that aren't used for work.
  • Make sure devices are updated with the latest security patches.
  • Create barriers to prevent unauthorized access, such as restricting access to certain apps or locking down the operating system.

About Author

Sophia Torres is a network architect & part-time author who writes articles about networking and technology. She tries to inform people about the dangers of being online and how you can protect your data.

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