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Why Cybersecurity is Everyone's Responsibility

Cyber Security should be seen as a dimension of social responsibility.

Cybersecurity importance

The cybercrime epidemic is a global threat to individuals and businesses. Recent high-profile attacks have shed light on how criminals are using sophisticated techniques to target and exploit both organizations and individuals. The good news is that cybersecurity is possible and affordable for organizations of all sizes. It’s important that everyone understands their role in ensuring the safety of the digital world so we can collectively prevent cyberattacks from happening.

Cybercrime is very profitable

Cybercrime is a global problem. It's a severe threat to national security and the economy. Cybercrime has become a big business, so it's not surprising that criminals are finding new ways to monetize their efforts. 

Cybercrime is often profitable for both the attackers and those who financially benefit from each attack, whether they be individual hackers or organized crime groups. They're making money off of stolen credit card data, personal information, and identity theft — all of which can be used for financial gain by those who use them properly. To avoid identity theft, be sure not to miss out on ID Verification platforms.

As cybercriminals continue to increase their efforts in an effort to make more profit through online fraud and other types of cyberattacks, it's important that we all understand how these attacks work so we can avoid them ourselves when possible---and know what we can do if someone else falls victim!

Cybercriminals are organized and sophisticated

Cybercrime is a global problem, with criminals operating from all corners of the globe. These criminals are often well-organized and sophisticated. They hack your computer system to steal sensitive information and then sell it on the dark web for profit.

They also use ransomware to lock down your data and extort money from you in exchange for access. This type of cybercriminal has become increasingly prevalent in recent years due to the rise of so-called “ransomware as a service” (RaaS). RaaS allows anyone who wants to make money online by holding someone's files hostage to do so easily—all they have to do is purchase some software or hire someone on Fiverr who will do it for them!

Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility

Everyone has a role to play in cybersecurity. You may not be a security expert, but you can still take steps to protect yourself and those around you. 

  • Everyone must take cybersecurity seriously. It's impossible to avoid all risks of cybercrime, but there are steps we can all take to protect ourselves and our businesses from harm. 
  • Everyone should learn about the risks and how to mitigate them: Whether it's through educational resources like this guide or professional training programs, organizations need an informed workforce that understands how threats work so they can detect them before they become problems. This will help you build a culture of safety with your staff members so everyone is aware of what measures are being taken by management and leadership teams at every level—even if those measures don't always seem effective! 
  • Everyone should know how to report cybercrime: If someone finds evidence that their organization has been compromised by hackers, there needs to be an internal reporting process where employees feel comfortable coming forward (instead of keeping quiet out of fear). That way when something does happen--and it eventually will unless you're vigilant--you'll have access

Every person and every organization must take cybersecurity seriously. 

Everyone can take steps to protect themselves and their data. You can start by being aware of how much personal information you share online, and what information you make public. Also, make sure that all of your devices are updated regularly. If you use a password-management tool like Dashlane or LastPass, be sure to set up two-factor authentication for any accounts that support it—it's an extra layer of security that makes it much harder for hackers to gain access to your account if they manage to obtain one of your passwords.

Cybersecurity is a continuous battle.

Cybersecurity is a continuous battle. Cybercriminals are constantly trying to breach your defenses, while you're trying to keep them out. But no matter how strong your security, there will always be some way in—you can't let up for even a second. 

That's why cybersecurity is everyone's responsibility: not just IT professionals, but everyone at the company who uses technology and has access to sensitive data. It's also why it's important for everyone to know how they can help protect their organization against cyber threats and prevent breaches before they happen.

There are steps everyone can take to protect themselves against cybercrime. 

If you haven't already, there are several steps everyone can take to protect themselves against cybercrime: 

  • Use a password manager. Everyone should use a password manager that generates strong passwords and stores them securely. Many people do not understand how important this is; they are still using weak passwords like 12345678 or their pet's name and birthdate. Using complex passwords will make it much harder for hackers to guess the right one if they get hold of your username and email address, which are often exposed in data breaches anyway.
  • Install security updates as soon as they become available on your operating system and other software (including browsers). These updates fix vulnerabilities that hackers may exploit in order to gain access to your computer or network; by installing them promptly and carefully following any instructions given during installation, you'll reduce the risk of malware infection from such attacks being successful against you specifically - which means fewer people have been affected overall! 
  • Use two-factor authentication when possible (e.,g., Google Authenticator). This involves entering an additional code alongside your usual login details (typically sent via SMS text message) before granting access - so even if someone knows your password(s), they still need physical access/knowledge about where these codes live before accessing anything remotely interesting through them.


Cybercrime is a serious threat to our society, and it is everyone’s responsibility to protect themselves against it. By taking these steps, you can help yourself and others stay safe online.

Image By: freepik

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