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Google Release Guidelines for AI Generated Content [FAQ]

Google Search's guidance about AI-generated content. How they plan to treat AI content in the search results.

Google AI Generated Content

OpenAI developed a Chatbot which has become a viral sensation and it's successful to gather millions of users within 4 days of its launch.

After the launch of ChatGPT, there are tonnes of bloggers and writers who started writing about it and also use the free service of ChatGPT to generate content within a minute. Many bloggers and writers started using AI-generated content to get ranked in Google Sear Results.

Today, Google has finally cleared almost every query or question about How Google treats AI-generated content? Google has mentioned that Google mainly focuses on the quality of content, rather than how content is produced.

"Google's ranking systems aim to reward original, high-quality content that demonstrates qualities of what we call E-E-A-T: expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness."

"Focusing on rewarding quality content has been core to Google since we began. It continues today, including through our ranking systems designed to surface reliable information and our helpful content system. The helpful content system was introduced last year to better ensure those searching get content created primarily for people, rather than for search ranking purposes." - further added by Google

Google thoughts about AI Generated Content

Google has clearly mentioned that they don't care about how the content has been created, its main focus is on the quality of the content i.e. how the information shared on the content is helpful for users. 

If the content is created by AI and has rich and helpful information then it gets ranked on Google search results, rather than content that is written by humans but didn't have much helpful content.

But there is a catch, Using automation—including AI—to generate content with the primary purpose of manipulating ranking in search results is clearly a violation of Google spam policies

Hence, Google does confirm that writers can use AI to generate information or content but their content should be helpful for people and must be original, high-quality, following qualities of E-E-A-T.

Furthermore, Creators can learn more about the concept of E-E-A-T on Google Creating helpful, reliable, people-first content help page

Google AI Generated Content

FAQ by Google For AI-Generated Content.

To further help, Google gave some answers to questions you may have about AI content and Google Search:

Is AI content against Google Search's guidelines?

Appropriate use of AI or automation is not against our guidelines. This means that it is not used to generate content primarily to manipulate search rankings, which is against Google spam policies.

Will Google ban AI content?

Automation has long been used in publishing to create useful content. AI can assist with and generate useful content in exciting new ways.

How will Google Search prevent poor-quality AI content from ranking over search results?

Poor quality content isn't a new challenge for Google Search to deal with. Google is tackling poor quality content created both by humans and automation for years. Google does have the systems to determine the helpfulness of content. Other systems work to elevate original news reporting.

How does Google Tackle misinformation on AI-Generated Content?

These issues exist in both human-generated and AI-generated content. However the content is produced, Google systems look to surface high-quality information from reliable sources, and not information that contradicts well-established consensus on important topics. On topics where information quality is critically important—like health, civic, or financial information— Google places an even greater emphasis on signals of reliability.

How can Search determine if AI is being used to spam search results?

Google has a variety of systems, including SpamBrain, that analyze patterns and signals to help us identify spam content, however, it is produced.

Will AI content rank highly on Search?

Using AI doesn't give content any special gains. It's just content. If it is useful, helpful, original, and satisfies aspects of E-E-A-T, it might do well in Search. If it doesn't, it might not.

Should I use AI to generate content?

If you see AI as an essential way to help you produce content that is helpful and original, it might be useful to consider. But, If you see AI as an inexpensive, easy way to manupulats search engine rankings, then no.

manipulateShould I add author bylines to all my content?

You should consider having accurate author bylines when readers would reasonably expect it, such as to any content where someone might think, "Who wrote this?"

Can I list AI as the author of the content?

Giving AI an author byline is probably not the best way to follow Google's recommendations to make clear to readers when AI is part of the content creation process.

Should I add AI or automation disclosures to my content?

AI or automation disclosures are useful for content where someone might think "How was this created?". Consider adding these when it would be reasonably expected.

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