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Edward Snowden

AT&T reportedly helped the NSA spy on internet traffic

Telecommunications giant AT&T Inc have partnered with the US Surveillance Agency NSA and assist them to conducts surveillance on huge volumes …

NSA Hacked Sim card database, Stole Encryption keys

Once again Edward Snowden has leaks a document which reveals that US National Security Agency (NSA) and British counterpart Government Communicati…

Chinese Spies Stole F-35 Fighter Design, Edward Snowden Reveals

The new leaked documents from the NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden have once again emerge a new headlines in every media page. The new documen…

ICREACH : NSA own Surveillance Search Engine like Google

Yet another Snowden leaked documents reveals more secrets of the U.S National Surveillance Agency , and this one is quite unexpected. According to…

Court Allowed NSA To Spy On All except 4 Countries

This is not a well to all as there privacy is getting to the end. According to the Washington Post which says that court have permitted the order…

'Reset The Net' global protest campaign against NSA

Its seems that PRIVACY of a user from the internet is almost dead. Last year on today's date only Edward Snowden have leaked the documents abo…

Greenwald to publish list of U.S. citizens NSA spied on

Glen Greenwald, the journalist of The Guardian in possession of the leaked classified documents on NSA programs by Snowden, has hinted that the fi…

Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple Routinely Notify Users On Government Request

With the Edward Snowden leaks reports, many of the users are aware of the NSA activity of spying on them. This is fact and it is worse condition …

NSA Admits to Keeping Some Heartbleed-like Bugs Secret

NSA building is so big not because of its size, but because it has tonnes of the secret, but then also the agency never admits the truth even one…

Angry Birds Sharing Users Data to Marketers

How many of You like to play mobile games ? I think everyone here. Yup.! its me too. Most when it is Android games which are popular like, Angry Bir…

New Documents Reveal, NSA can retrieve and Replay phone calls

Recently, a new document leaked by the Former NSA Contractor " Edward Snowden " specify that The National Security Agency has technol…

NSA Leaker :Edward Snowden Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize

Former National Security Agency contractor Mr. Edward Snowden has been nominated for the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize, saying his disclosures of secret U.…

German Government Faces Legal Action For Helping NSA

This is again a breaking updates over NSA . As per the source it is being saying that German Government and German Federal Intelligence Service ar…

NSA using Angry Birds and other Mobile Gaming apps to acquiring your Personal data

If you are addicted with playing mobile games, there here is a bad news for you all. Specially popular Android games like Angry Bird, Subway suffe…

Snowden will stand for student rector at Scotland

After the lots of things finally a good news for the Glasgow University. As Whistle blower Edward Snowden has agreed to stand for the post of stud…