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Multiple High Severity Vulnerabilities Fixed in Mozilla Products

Mozilla Foundation has just released critical security updates to patch multiple dangerous vulnerabilities in Firefox , Firefox ESR, and Thunderbird…

Mozilla Thunderbird client saved OpenPGP keys in clear text

The free email client Mozilla Thunderbird has saved some users' OpenPGP keys in plain text for the past few months. The vulnerability (CVE-2021-2…

Mozilla Announced Firefox Lockbox for Android Platform

Online security is one of the main concerns for peoples privacy, and in that using the same password across different online accounts is not a goo…

Chrome And Firefox Leaking User Facebook Data Since 2016

Its sound's wired, but that's true. Over a year, popular web-browsers were leaking Facebook users personal data leaving them prone to hack…

Mozilla blocks Flash by default on Firefox browser

Here is a big news for everyone that Mozilla team had made a justify decision to block the all versions of Flash Player from Firefox until Adobe r…

97K Bugzilla users affected by data disclosure

Mozilla Security team have made a announcement that about 97,000 users emails address and encrypted password of Bugzilla users were accidentally d…