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New Docs Confirm NSA Bulk Buying of Americans' Internet Browsing Data

Newly published documents confirm that the National Security Agency (NSA) has purchased records of Americans' internet browsing and mobile app u…

Ex-NSA Employee Pleads Guilty for Sell Secrets to Russia

A former employee of the National Security Agency (NSA) has pleaded guilty to trying to sell classified national security information to Russia.  Jar…

Ghidra - NSA's Reverse Engineering Tool Released [Download Now]

A couple of months ago, the NSA announced that they are going to published a software reverse engineering tool that was developed by the National …

Kaspersky Admits Fetching NSA Hacking Tool Source Code

Today Kaspersky has posted a transparency initiative reports which explains that Kaspersky has fetched the source code of NSA hacking tools via it…

WannaCrypt: Biggest Ransomware attack of Era

A Massive cyber attacks using an ransomware named " WannaCry " have been done that was stolen from the US national Security Agency (NS…

Shadow Brokers Quits, release Windows hacking tools for FREE

The notorious hackers group "Shadow Brokers" who were selling Windows hacking tools of NSA on BTC, now they are giving the hacking tools…

NSA Hacked! Bunch on Hacking tools Leaked

A group of hackers going by the name “ The Shadow Brokers ” claims to have penetrated an NSA-backed hacking operation , and has leaked a bunch of …

AT&T reportedly helped the NSA spy on internet traffic

Telecommunications giant AT&T Inc have partnered with the US Surveillance Agency NSA and assist them to conducts surveillance on huge volumes …

US Navy Caught while trying to buy Zero-days Exploits

You heard that cyber criminals are selling or buying exploits on/from the under ground markets. And sometimes you also read about the government s…

Researchers Design new Tor client to avoid NSA attacks

Security researcher from American and Israeli academics have developed a new anonymity Tor client called "Astoria" which is specially …

Wikimedia sues NSA over mass Surveillance

The Wikimedia foundation, which is an non-profit organization and also the group behind the Wikipedia has announced that it has teamed up with eig…

NSA Hacked Sim card database, Stole Encryption keys

Once again Edward Snowden has leaks a document which reveals that US National Security Agency (NSA) and British counterpart Government Communicati…

Chinese Spies Stole F-35 Fighter Design, Edward Snowden Reveals

The new leaked documents from the NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden have once again emerge a new headlines in every media page. The new documen…

ICREACH : NSA own Surveillance Search Engine like Google

Yet another Snowden leaked documents reveals more secrets of the U.S National Surveillance Agency , and this one is quite unexpected. According to…

iPhones extracting deep personal data - Apple Employee

This week Apple employees have acknowledge that Personal data including text messages, contact lists and photos can be extracted from iPhones thro…

Apple denies of Installing backdoors on iOS device

Yesterday we have noted that a Forensic Security researcher Jonathan Zdziarski, who claim to identifies that Apple had installed several backdoor…

NSA likely targets anybody who's 'Tor-curious'

Many of use TOR browser for the hiding our identity online, and for being anonymous. But do you really thing that this makes you 100% anonymity ? …

NSA Spying on Indian Political Party - BJP

After the recent leaks from the Edward Snowden which reveals that Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) have given permit to NSA to spy …

Court Allowed NSA To Spy On All except 4 Countries

This is not a well to all as there privacy is getting to the end. According to the Washington Post which says that court have permitted the order…

'Reset The Net' global protest campaign against NSA

Its seems that PRIVACY of a user from the internet is almost dead. Last year on today's date only Edward Snowden have leaked the documents abo…