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20000 Nokia N1 Tablets Sell Out in 4 Minutes

One of the  leading mobile manufacture firm "Nokia" which had been acquired by Microsoft last year have once again shown its presence in…

Users can legally unlock your phone in the United States

Now here is the good news for U.S mobile users that they are free to choose there mobile carrier when they are using the mobile device of AT&T…

Google cancels dual Android/Windows tablets/laptops

At CES 2014 , Asus have announced that they are going to introduce Dual-booting Android/Windows tablet and laptop, but this will not come at prese…

Untethered iOS 7 jailbreak Arrive for iPhone, iPad and iPOd

Finally Iphone iOS 7 jail break is been available to public which is something good news for the Iphone lover, specially those who use iOS 7 on…

3 Application for the security

There are many apps in the internet for many fields, and all for them have their own category. As I have already discuss some of the important a…

Flexible Paper tablet

As uses of laptop has replaced the desktop from the users, now laptop will also being get replaced soon and it will be also in the come in the l…